Designer Janelle Paige’s new ebook How Style Works: Behind the Scenes Secrets from a Fashionista on Creating Your Own Unique Look is here!
It's a 255-page guide to building your best wardrobe yet, featuring everything you need to know to discover and refine your personal style, overhaul your closet, and learn how to shop in a smarter, more thoughtful way. How Style Works is presented as a styling system that replaces the need to hire a personal stylist. Janelle goes over every aspect of how to make your own amazing look.
Each chapter is intended as a step—go through each and follow the directions to fill out your features on the workbook pages provided.
Chapter 1: Discover your personal coloring (hair color, skin color, eye color) and how to strategically apply this knowledge when dressing.
Chapter 2: Read all about body shape, proportions, and face shape.
Chapter 3: Learn how to use ancient eastern principles of Feng Shui to best bring out your energy (it’s like magic!).
Chapter 4: Look inside yourself to reveal your style personality!
Chapter 5: See how to best tailor your wardrobe and outfits for each season.
Chapter 6: Learn how to plan your wardrobe for each activity in your life.
Chapter 7: Master the keys to remember when getting dressed and how to make outfits that pop!
You'll find all of Janelle's favorite tips and techniques (including lots of new, book-exclusive ones), step-by-step instructions, creative exercises, pep talks, infographics and lots of beautiful illustrations.
How Style Works is available to purchase at Amazon
What readers are saying:
“Love this book! It's a book on getting your inner fashionista organized. It's pretty to look at, high quality book with tons of advice.” - Melissa
“I highly recommend this! Well done! After reading this book, I feel like I've just had a wonderful conversation - and therapy session! - with a good friend...thanks, Janelle!” - Rachel
“BUY. THIS. BOOK. I just finished reading it and I cannot recommend it highly enough! Janelle’s ideas are practical and realistic! As a 55 year old woman, I feel like reading this book has quite literally given me a new lease on life (I’m sure that sounds over-the-top, but I’m not exaggerating.) I’m planning on rereading and on using this book to inform and transform the second half of my life.” - Jodi
Feng Shui for fashion is a little-known secret of the best dressed! New ebook Feng Shui Fashion: Using Energy to Improve Your Style is a comprehensive guide to Feng Shui what you wear!
Designer Janelle Paige outlines how to use the power of Feng Shui in your wardrobe. Feng Shui is all about energy—harmonizing and aligning the energy within you with your physical reality. It balances, empowers and makes things feel right. In Feng Shui Fashion, Janelle teaches you how to get the best style for you, finishing your look and making you beautifully put-together!
Chapter 1: Identify your Feng Shui element and look at what colors, textures, patterns, fabrics, cuts, jewelry, hair and makeup will work best on you!
Chapter 2: Read about how to Feng Shui what you wear for specific occasions such as work and exercise!
Chapter 3: Explore the meanings and uses of different colors so that you can apply their power in your wardrobe and life.
Feng Shui Fashion is available to purchase at Amazon