Posts tagged makeup
Work: makeup

Nailing makeup for work is something we all desire — we all want to stand out and look put-together! You may be surprised how makeup affects your career, that’s the power of makeup. In a recent study, women who wear makeup make more money than those who don’t! So yes, wear some makeup for sure. You just don’t want to wear too much, anything too loud or bright, or be messy in your cosmetic application. With a little practice, work makeup is some of the simplest to learn since work makeup should be on the classic, subdued side! Use the following examples to create your own go-to makeup style for the office. These are flawless, office-appropriate, and will contribute to you making a great first impression while on the job!

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Wedding guest: makeup

How to do your makeup for a wedding? We put together our top tips to help you bring your whole wedding beauty look together! As a wedding guest, in general we recommend focusing on playing up either your eyes OR lips - that way you won’t look over-the-top or upstage the bride. Go with a bold lip and light eye makeup, or vice versa. Another option is to do an overall soft/natural/pretty look with light colors. Or lastly, you could go all-out glam with a full face which is appropriate for certain settings such as a fancy evening wedding.

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