Posts tagged how to create an outfit that pops
Color theory

Knowing how to use color theory in fashion is huge to looking good! Easily do this by becoming friends with the color wheel. You don’t need to go to art school to do it! There are just a few main points to learn (and eventually memorize) that you can immediately start using when getting dressed every day. Reference the color wheel here as needed, or order a color wheel to keep in your closet (this one is good and cheap).

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Outfit checklist

A lot of women want to know how to make great outfits that “pop.” You want to know what colors work together, what cuts, what looks good on you, and what's appropriate for different activities. This is learnable! Everything about creating a great outfit is about balance — balance of interest, balance of color, balance of cuts, balance of texture, balance of level of dressiness, and balance of accessories. Let’s run through the key points that you can ask yourself with every outfit. You'll get better at doing this intuitively and you won't need to use the list forever, but at first keep this list handy to review.

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